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VIWAS is an Erasmus+ SPORT project (Small Cooperative Partnership) carried out by five organizations from Greece, Italy, Croatia and Slovenia, operating in different areas, with different yet complementary competences. Specifically, the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, two swimming clubs, Sportno Drustvo Invalid Ljubljana" and “Asterias”, “Rjeka Sports Association for persons with disabilities” and Associazione Euphoria, a nonprofit association.
School of Physical Education and Sport Science belongs to the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (UoA)...
Euphoria is an Italian non-profit organization aimed at promoting and giving visibility to European issues, encouraging debate, raising awareness and changing attitudes via dissemination activities, communication and information campaigns...
Športno društvo Invalid Ljubljana was founded in 1949 by military war wounded who survived World War II. The Association’s experienced staff organizes sports activities for persons with disabilities that are adjusted to the individual's needs...
Rijeka sports association for people with disabilities was founded in Rijeka, Croatia in 1984 with a primal goal to promote sports among young people especially among those with various types of disabilities. It has a mission to integrate people with...
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The American Academy of Ophthalmology defines visual impairment as the best-corrected visual acuity of less than 20/40 in the better eye (AAO, 2022), and the World Health Organization defines it as...
READ MOREWater sports such as swimming, water polo, diving, synchronized swimming and many other are very attractive and popular sports among people almost all cross cultures. Competitive sports provide spe...
READ MOREThe first meeting took place on the 25th February 2021 during which the partners confirmed their roles, tasks and responsibilities and they expressed the willingness to produce a quality produc...